Meet Henrietta, the pluckiest chicken in the barnyard. She's not your ordinary, everyday chicken. No, sir. Henrietta dreams of adventure, of excitement, of eggs... lots and lots of eggs. But when a hurricane sweeps through the farm one day, Henrietta gets more than she ever bargained for.

"Hold on to your feathers!" Henrietta squawks as the storm swirls in, whisking the farm's entire egg supply high into the sky. As the winds die down, Henrietta is left staring up at a sky filled with her beloved eggs, bobbing and bouncing among the clouds. But Henrietta isn't about to let a little thing like gravity get in the way of her egg collecting.

With a determined cluck and a hearty flap of her wings, Henrietta sets off on a daring mission: Catch the falling eggs before they hit the ground! Watch as she dashes left and right, feathers flying, squawking in delight every time she saves an egg from a splattery fate.

But this is no easy egg hunt. These eggs have been through a hurricane, and they've got the bounce to prove it! Will Henrietta manage to catch them all? Or will she end up with egg on her face (and everywhere else)?

Join Henrietta in this hilarious, egg-citing game of chicken versus gravity. Help her catch the eggs, avoid the breakage, and prove once and for all that she's no chicken when it comes to adventure. Because when life gives you a hurricane... make an omelette!

Remember: The sky's the limit when you're a chicken with a mission!

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Version 0.1 Jun 16, 2023
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Version 0.1 Jun 16, 2023
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Version 0.1 Jun 16, 2023
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The sound of the chicken when they hatch is awesome! Cool concept for a game, I liked the jumping physics too.
I don't why but I couldn't play in full screen from the web browser (Brave).

Thank you!! The hatching and the chicken sound, as well as the touching the ground sound are all recordings of me, hahaha!

As for full screen, I had trouble with Safari on macOS too. Not sure why. I need to investigate further.